Month: December 2016

December 16, 2016 No comments exist

Developing a Growth MindsetiPad Innovation in the Classroom I have always considered myself as a life-long learner, but the past five weeks have helped me develop that idea to a deeper, more coherent definition of what that means.  This definition has come to a peak with the reading of Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset.Ability, skill or intelligence…

December 11, 2016 No comments exist

Significant Learning Plan with UbDTeaching with the end in mind has been taught to me, ever since I started looking into teaching as a career.  Not knowing where you are directing your students, is like driving at top speed down the road with no idea on how to get to the destination.  You are making…

December 3, 2016 No comments exist

Creating a significant learning environment is more than what content you teach, but how you set up the learning environment.  When creating a course of study the learning outcome must effortlessly coincide with activities and assessments that are done during the course.  Looking at the development of a course from multiple perspectives of foundational, application,…