Process of iPad Innovation

September 24, 2016 No comments exist

Enhancing Educational Opportunities with iPads plan is based on reviewed research.  The proposed timeline is developed from previous innovators that have taken on similar goals.  Although these steps have been done, there is always room for improvement.


Recognize and Leverage Innovation Changes

A developed plan is only good if it is elastic and living.  Able to change and develop further based on new found research and innovation.  The goal is to recognize and leverage new research, innovations, and understandings for a more enriched iPad Innovation Plan.  Increasing the educational opportunities for educators and students alike.  

Recognition will come from a variety of places.  Further in this post are listed multiple resources and references that will used to continually enhance the integration of iPads in the classroom.  Also, recognition of resources will come from a various social media and professional learning communities.  The plan includes the development of a localized professional learning community that will use their own professional communities to develop a more holistic source of enrichment and support.  Social media avenues like Twitter lists, Google Plus communities and collections, and Pinterest boards will be followed to gather the most recent and relevant support of the learning. Professional learning sites like Edutopia, EdSurge, and GettingSmart will be accessed for recent studies and best practices for iPads in the classroom.  The local learning community will become a connected educator learning community.  Where learning will not just take place in the confines of the district, but where ever the best resources are.  It is the development of this local community that will help in making sure that ample opportunities for learning occur.

The learning that takes place will be useless, if not leveraged to its greatest extent.  Again, the local professional learning community will be the greatest support for this.  A community message board and wiki development, by all members, will be accessed.  Best practices, exemplar lessons, and successes and failures will be shared.  It is through the collaboration of the communal experience that the entire community and plan will strengthen.  Sir Ken Robinson has said "If you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original"(Do schools kill creativity?, 2006).  This community will embrace the successes and failures of all involved.  Learning and supporting each other in the resources that are shared. 

Secondly, observations of modeled iPad integrated lesson will also be a source of leverage.  A Lesson Study Model approach will be taken.  The learning community will create lessons for a specific iPad integration skill, observe the lesson, reflect on the observation, and then adapt as needed for that skill.  This again will allow the community as a whole to develop and collaborate together sharing and leveraging the lessons learned.   This model is proactively motivated.  The skills that are studied will improve the integration of the iPad in the classroom, and in the long run student learning (Saine, P, 2012).


Resources for Innovation

The following is a list of books that I plan to read to increase my knowledge of how to develop change in an organization, utilize iPads in the most effective way, and develop a mindset of innovation and change.


Couros, G. (2015). The innovator's mindset: Empower learning, unleash talent, and lead a culture of creativity.

A call to action for the need of changing the way that education is done in our classrooms for the success of our students.  This is a how-to guide on creating change in the classroom accessing technology as a support tool.


Friedman, E. H., Treadwell, M. M., & Beal, E. W. (2007). A failure of nerve: Leadership in the age of the quick fix. New York: Seabury Books.

Focusing on less on quick fixes but strength and self-determination to change the personality of an organization.


Gibbons, J. (2015). Bring learning environments to life.

Discussed practical ideas to make a learning environment interactive  and engaging using digitally enhanced learning.


Grenny, J. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Examines behavioral science and business planning to influence the outcome of change within and organization.


Jamieson, P. (2015). 1:1 iPads teaching and synthesis.

Developed for iBooks, this multi-touch book guides and supports schools establishing a 1:1 iPad initiative.


McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals.

A series of steps to get the most out any plan, with successful outcomes.


McClure, M., Jukes, I., & MacLean, R. (2011). Getting it right: Aligning technology initiatives for measurable student results. Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada: 21st Century Fluency Project.

The book examines how to focus on implementation and assessment of technology initiatives.


McNeil, C. (2014). 1:1 iPads and parents: staying on the right right PATH.

An Apple Distinguished Educator book, focusing on supporting and empowering parents and educators on 1:1 iPad initiatives


Sinek, S. (2011). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. London: Portfolio Penguin.

Focusing on the Why?, this book examines what makes influential leaders so influential.




Do schools kill creativity? (2006). Retrieved September 24, 2016, from


Saine, P. (2012). iPods, iPads, and the SMARTBoard: Transforming literacy instruction and student learning. New England Reading Association Journal, 47(2), 74.


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