Meeting Objectives

August 2, 2016 No comments exist

Meeting Objectives with Digital Learning Tools

Achieving objectives

Organizations will be more proficient in achieving their goals when choosing digital learning tools by starting off answering two questions:


1. What is the objective that the organization wants the student or client to achieve?

2. How would the organization like the student or client to show understanding and knowledge of the objective?


The digital tool should be used as a way to supplement either the learning or to assess and give appropriate and direct feedback back to the student or client. Digital tools are to be used to enhance the lesson, and not the reason to have the lesson. Encouraging my teachers to not determine the app that they would like to use, but what is it that the teacher wants the students to show understanding of. This will make sure that the objective is being met, and not being distracted by the features or types of digital tool to be used.

Being sure that the objective is in the forefront of the organizational planning, will help the tool that is being used to be relevant and have a lasting impact on the student or client (Hertz 2010). The lasting impact of the tool will be a good standard to measure if the right tool was chosen. If a tool is relevant to the objective set forth and has a real-world equivalent, then the tool chosen is the correct one.

Choose a Digital Tool
Hertz, Mary Beth  (2010, July 15). Getting Started With Technology Integration in Your Classroom. Retrieved June 06, 2016, from http://www /blog/national-educational-technology-standards-students

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